3:20-21 Bad response 1: “Jesus is crazy.” In contrast to the disciples (3:13-19), Mark warns us by revealing two incorrect ways to respond to Jesus. The first starts with the

Mark 3:13-19 Called by JesusMark 3:13-19 Called by Jesus
3:13-15 Called for service. The twelve disciples (also called apostles) are chosen by Jesus from the larger group who were following him. They are selected, first, to be in relationship

Mark 3:1-12 Hard or Soft?Mark 3:1-12 Hard or Soft?
Hard or Soft? > Mark 3:1-12 3:1-6 Hard hearts plot against Jesus. The religious officials see a man’s disability as a test of whether Jesus will follow their traditions or

Mark 2:13-28 Lord Over AllMark 2:13-28 Lord Over All
Jesus is challenged three times with regard to religious practices. In each case, he shows how he has the authority to define what is true.

Mark 2:1-12 He Forgives SinsMark 2:1-12 He Forgives Sins
2:1-2 The scene. This famous episode in the ministry of Christ shows how his authority and power for healing and teaching are related. The setting is similar to how Jesus

Mark 1:21-45 Who is Jesus?Mark 1:21-45 Who is Jesus?
Who is Jesus? > Mark 1:21-45 1:21-28 Authority over spirits. Christ’s authority is revealed by his teaching and his ability to command the spiritual world. Unlike the scribes, Jesus has

Mark 1:9-20 The Mission of JesusMark 1:9-20 The Mission of Jesus
The Mission of Jesus > Mark 1:9-20 1:9-11 The baptism of Jesus. This section and the next show that God’s plan for his Messiah-King is very different from how we

Mark 1:1-8 The Gospel BeginsMark 1:1-8 The Gospel Begins
The Gospel Begins > Mark 1:1-8 1:1 The gospel is all about Jesus. From Mark’s very first words we read that this testimony will be all about Jesus. 1:2-3 The

Exodus 6:2-13 Remember God’s WordsExodus 6:2-13 Remember God’s Words
Remember God’s Words > Exodus 6:2-13 6:2-9 Remember what God has said. What Moses and the Hebrew people needed most in their desperate slavery was not something new, but instead,

John 1:29-34 Not Me, But He!John 1:29-34 Not Me, But He!
Not Me, But He! > John 1:29-34 1:29-31 The one we’ve waited for. John has gone to great lengths to ensure nobody thinks that he is the messiah. Instead, John’s

John 1:6-13 Receiving the LightJohn 1:6-13 Receiving the Light
Receiving the Light > John 1:6-13 1:6-8 Witness to the light. John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus. His role was to bear witness

John 1:1-5 Light and LifeJohn 1:1-5 Light and Life
Light and Life > John 1:1-5 1:1-2 Jesus is our God. Jesus was there in the beginning. He was not only with the Father, but is also fully God. The