Come Ready > Matthew 2:1-12
2:1-2 They watched. These wise men from far off lands were watching and waiting: they were seeking some kind of confirmation that God had sent his King. Once they saw it, they set off in search of him in order to worship him.
2:3-6 He didn’t. Tragically and ironically, the current king – Herod – couldn’t be bothered to care about God’s promised king. He saw these wise men as pointing out not a blessing, but a threat – and one that he would deal with.
2:7-8+12 He plots. Herod’s response to God’s King wasn’t to worship (in spite of what he said), it was to find a way to kill this promised one (see Matthew 2:16-18).
2:9-11 They worship. The wise men did the exact opposite, and so showed themselves wise: they located Jesus, they had great joy in doing so, and they worshipped.
Background: From nearly the beginning of Matthew’s gospel, we find two reactions to Jesus – faith, shown by worship; and rejection, shown by plots and rebelling against God.
The Point: Jesus is God’s promised king – joy is found in worshipping him!
Head: Know that Christ is God’s promised and forever King.
Heart: Respond to Jesus by honoring him as your King!
Hands: Worship Jesus with your words and actions this very week – and help somebody else to see the joy of doing so.
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________