3:13-15 Called for service. The twelve disciples (also called apostles) are chosen by Jesus from the larger group who were following him. They are selected, first, to be in relationship with him, and then to join in his mission of proclaiming the kingdom and combating the forces opposing the Lord.
3:16-19 Appointed by name. The twelve disciples are named. Significantly, that there are twelve of them reveals them as a part of Christ’s plan for his people, carrying forward God’s promises. As well, Jesus – as God had done in the past – specifically renames Peter. Lastly, Judas Iscariot is mentioned as the betrayer of Jesus; even at this early point in Mark’s gospel conflict is on the horizon.
The Point: Disciples are those called by Jesus to be in relationship with him and to take part in his work. They are to do what he has shown them.
Prayer: Father, we thank you for those whom you have called to your service – everyone from the first disciples all the way up to our own day. Thank you for calling every Christian here to serve Christ. Help us to do so more whole-heartedly and with ever-growing faith in the days ahead.
Application: Many call themselves Christian, but to truly be a Christian one must respond to Jesus Christ. Have you? Being a disciple of Jesus is having a relationship with him. Christ offers that to you – receive his offer! Disciples respond to Christ by taking his marching orders as their own.
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________