2:1-2 The scene. This famous episode in the ministry of Christ shows how his authority and power for healing and teaching are related. The setting is similar to how Jesus has drawn a crowd previously, but a new truth will be revealed here.
2:3-4 The interruption. In the middle of Christ’s preaching, Mark records the faith of four men and their paralyzed friend who were willing to go to extreme lengths because they believed that Jesus had the power to help.
2:5-7 The confrontation. The faith of the friends and the paralyzed man – who is forgiven by Christ – is turned into a question: how is it that Jesus can forgive sins? Isn’t that something only God can do?
2:8-12 The miracle. Jesus goes on to show that he does have authority and power – the power of God (because he is God!) – to not only heal physically, but spiritually as well.
Background: Mark has been showing us Christ’s authority and power. To his teaching and healing, we now add that Jesus has the power to forgive sins because Jesus is God.
The Point: Jesus Christ forgives sinners who have faith in him.
Head: Know that Jesus is God – and that he has the authority and power of God.
Heart: Believe that Jesus forgives those who trust in him.
Hands: How will you follow Christ in faith today?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________