The Mission of Jesus > Mark 1:9-20
1:9-11 The baptism of Jesus. This section and the next show that God’s plan for his Messiah-King is very different from how we would identify and select a leader. The Father miraculously and directly affirms Christ.
1:12-13 The testing of Jesus. Jesus’ fitness for ministry is shown here to be absolute: where Israel failed in their faithfulness to the Lord, Jesus succeeds. He is the kind of King that God’s people desperately need!
1:14-15 The gospel Jesus preached. Christ’s mission is to call all people to turn from their sins and turn to faith in him. The message is simple and clear: the time to follow is now!
1:16-20 The disciples Jesus called. The first disciples do not choose to be a part of Jesus’ inner circle; instead, he chooses them. Christ calls them to a new task where they will follow him and carry forth on the disciple-making mission.
Background: Mark moves very quickly through pivotal events at the beginning of Christ’s ministry. His goal is to show us that Jesus is the called Messiah who is on a mission.
The Point: Christ is more than worthy of our faith. Will you follow him? Will you turn and believe?
Head: The gospel call involves both believing and doing.
Heart: Believe that what Christ offers is where true life is.
Hands: Follow Jesus as a disciple. Believe in him!
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________