Receiving the Light > John 1:6-13
1:6-8 Witness to the light. John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus. His role was to bear witness to Christ, the light of the world, the one who offers life to all who respond to him.
1:9-11 The rejected light. Some, tragically, reject Christ. They don’t wish to know him or receive him. What John teaches, they refuse to believe. This is the reality of the world, both in John’s time and all around us. In fact, apart from Jesus, this is how everyone would otherwise be: rebelling against God, living in darkness, and without hope.
1:12-13 The received light. Yet, those who respond to Jesus with faith and belief are born anew! Because of Jesus, all who trust him have a new family as God’s children. This means we have a new life and a new inheritance that matters forever.
Background: The opening of John’s gospel makes clear that Jesus is the center of everything and that responding to him is what we were made to do.
The Point: Receive Jesus as your Savior.
Head: Knowing about Jesus is crucial – how will you focus on who Jesus actually is this Christmas?
Heart: Responding to knowledge about Jesus is absolutely necessary. Do you receive Jesus as your Savior by faith?
Hands: What will you do in response to Jesus today – how will you be a witness to others of his light and life?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________