Knowing God > John 1:14-18
1:14-15 You can see. John’s report should amaze us: the Word who is fully God and who created all things took on flesh and dwelt among his people! His glory has been known firsthand and his grace and truth were made clear to all. He is the one whom John the Baptist prepared the way for.
1:16-17 You can receive. This Word is God’s grace given to us – just as he gave the law to tell us how to live and think and believe, he has now given Jesus as the one who embodies his grace and truth.
1:18 You can know God. In Christ, you can see God and know him. In Christ, God is fully revealed because Jesus is God.
Background: John’s gospel continues by detailing the blessing of God’s Word coming to his people. Everything that John will go on to write centers around the Word – Jesus Christ.
The Point: Jesus is God with us. Having a relationship with Jesus is having a relationship with God.
Head: John takes all the facts he’s been pointing out so far and pulls them together into one massive truth: God’s Word is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ took on flesh, and his life changes everything!
Heart: Have a relationship with Jesus by trusting him as your Savior. Know God by following after the Son.
Hands: What will pursuing Jesus look like for you this Christmas? Who will you help toward knowing God?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________