Remember God’s Words > Exodus 6:2-13
6:2-9 Remember what God has said. What Moses and the Hebrew people needed most in their desperate slavery was not something new, but instead, they needed to be reminded of what was true, of what God had already promised: their deliverance and his steadfast character.
6:10-13 Trust what God will do. So often in the scriptures the cure to doubt is not to seek for a different answer or some other thing from the Lord. Instead, what is needed most is to hear the same truths of God again, that you would remember, that you would watch and wait with hope, and that you would walk by faith.
Background: Moses and the Hebrews have lost hope in God’s promises – their lives have gone from bad to worse under Pharaoh, and it appeared as if the Lord wasn’t going to come through on his promises. Into this bleak situation, God speaks exactly what needed to be remembered.
The Point: Our faithful God gives us reminders so that we would learn to keep our hope in him.
Head: Don’t dismiss the repetitive parts of God’s word – they are there for a reason, they are there to show us again the very truths that we are prone to forgetting.
Heart: Believe that God’s words are all true. In spite of how this life appears at times, hold to what God has said.
Hands: What’s your plan for remembering God’s words?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________