Light and Life > John 1:1-5
1:1-2 Jesus is our God. Jesus was there in the beginning. He was not only with the Father, but is also fully God. The Jesus of Christmas – the baby in the manger – is God with us!
1:3 Jesus is our Creator. Jesus is the Word of God because he fully and perfectly communicates who God is and what God is doing. Our Lord created all things – and he hand-crafted you and I to worship and enjoy him.
1:4-5 Jesus is our Life and Light. Our King gives all who trust in him hope and the promise of eternal life. He gives our lives here and now meaning as we wait for eternity with him.
Background: John’s gospel opens with the same words that Genesis begins with. John wants us to see that the Jesus who came to us as a baby, the Jesus who died and rose to life on the third day, this Jesus is God – the God who cares for us and prepares a place for us to be with him.
The Point: The Jesus of Christmas is God in the flesh. He is our Savior and King.
Head: Christmas is all about Jesus – it’s all about the hope and joy and peace and love that he has given to us so that we would respond to him in trust and belief.
Heart: Believe that Jesus changes everything – because he does! From creation, to you and me, he gives us light and life.
Hands: How will you respond to Jesus today? Who will you help point to him for light and life this Christmas season?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________